maandag 1 september 2014

d30 Physical Features for Tieflings

Or roll one of those alphabet-dice
 in case of #5 (by Danny Cicchetti)
Roll a few times on this or just choose.

  1. horns (d6= 1: young goat sized/ 2: Icelandic goat-like/ 3: water buffalo like/ 4: ibex like/ 5: springbok-like/ 6: antlers)
  2. same as 1.
  3. d6= 1-4: nasty, big, pointy teeth/ 5-6: teeth grow in rows as a shark
  4. tusks (d6= 1-3: small/ 4-5: boar-sized/ 6: World of Warcraft-troll-sized)
  5. crest (d6= 1-3: parasaurolophus-like/ 4-6: tapejarid-like)
  6. tail (d6= 1-2: 15-30 cm/ 3-4: 30-90 cm/ 5-6: 90-150 cm)
  7. spiny backbone
  8. shoulder spikes
  9. prickles, quills or barbs instead of facial hair
  10. complete lack of hair
  11. d6= 1-3: skinflaps between fingers and toes/ 4-6: skinflaps between arms and torso
  12. wings, non-functional and small, (d6= 1-2: bat-like/ 3-4: bird-like/ 5-6: insect-like)
  13. no pupils
  14. unusual eye color (use 6d10's to generate it randomly here)
  15. eyes (d8= 1-2: catlike/ 3-4: sheep/ 5-6: reptile; 7/ chamelon/ 8: insect)
  16. unusual skin color  (use 6d10's to generate it randomly here)
  17. feet are (d6= 1: catfeet/ 2: hooves/ 3: tortoise feet/ 4: crocodile feet/ 5: crow claws/ 6: lemur feet)
  18. polydactyly (on a result of 5-6 on a d6: 7 fingers instead of 6)
  19. d6= 1-3: hands of that of a aye-aye/ 4-6: fingers have more joints than usual
  20. small hands located at torso (can only hold light items)
  21. eyes instead of niples
  22. exhalations are accompanied by small wisps of smoke
  23. faint smell of sulfur
  24. character heats up and glows when angry
  25. glowing unholy symbol at forehead
  26. for every being killed by character, a metal ring/tattoo appears on character's body
  27. snake tongued
  28. goat eared
  29. d6: 1-3 octopus beak; 4-6 fly mouth
  30. feelers
The hands of an aye-aye,
by Joseph Wolf
tapejarid crests
by Danny Cicchetti